To improve your search engine rank you need good quality incoming links from other websites. There is no exception to this rule.
It is a common saying that if you offer quality product, you will easily get natural links from other websites. However, this statement is not always true for online market. If you want people (webmasters) to link to your site, you need to prepare a talkable product (quality always matters but packaging is also important when you have a lot of competitors).
However at the initial stages people need to know about your website to link to it. You need to take the first step to inform others about your site. Even if you want to go for reciprocal or three way link building, you must have some page rank (Google PR) or good number of incoming links; otherwise, webmasters may not be interested in linking to your website.
In those initial days, the best way to generate some incoming links is directory submission. In fact, if you are attentive to the details, you can get some great quality one way links for free from niche directories. These links will definitely help you to get some page rank along with visitors. But you must remember that all directories may not be good for your site. You must skeptically select the best directories from millions of online directories.
When your website gains some page rank, you can contact other good websites for links. You will have a better foothold to bargain with other webmasters for quality links.
However, there are some primary criterions for proper directory submission to get links from good quality and SEO friendly directories. When we say SEO friendly links, we mean that the incoming links should not have rel="nofollow" or rel="noindex" attributes (you may look for them in the section or at the beginning of the link) and should not be java script links. The incoming links with noindex or nofollow attributes and java script links will not pass PR juice to your website.
Here we have identified some common criterions that good directories look for. If you take care of them before you start directory submission, the process will be simple, easy and it will optimize your time spent for every link.
1. Most of the good quality directories do not include sites that are under construction. You have enough time to get links but you must build the site completely before you go for Directory Submission Services. Your website is more important then links.
2. Good directories do not allow orphan pages or gateway pages. If you are planning something like this, you can go for directories that instantly publish your link.
3. Some good directories will not link to you if you run an affiliate program or generate and sell leads to third party.
4. Some directories will not allow deep linking (links to internal pages).
5. You must submit your page under the most relevant category or the webmasters may decline your link.
6. If your site has duplicate content issues or duplicate site structure along with duplicate content (mirror site), directories may decline your link.
7. Most of the good directories do not allow URLs that redirect to another website.
8. Some directories do not allow sites that have broken links.
Good directories always look for quality and most of the time they are edited by real human beings (someone who knows all the tricks used by black hat optimizers).
Proper directory submission is often a mundane, time consuming and hectic job for webmasters. You can contact good SEO companies for manual Directory Submission Services. The service does not cost much.